My Kingdom does not belong to this World.....
Today we celebrate Christ as our King. He’s not like any other king we have heard about as we studied history. Today’s readings can help us understand better the biblical theme of the kingship of Jesus Christ. Jesus in His wrangling’s with Pilate defines what His Kingship means: “My Kingdom does not belong to this world.. I came into the world to testify to the truth.” Both the first and second readings tell about the broad reaches of God’s Kingdom.
Daniel’s vision is physically expansive, covering all the earth as well as the heavens. The “Son of Man” receives all dominion and power from God forever. Majesty and power are emphasized. This image is also reflected in the second reading from the Book of Revelation: Jesus comes on a cloud and is the Almighty, the beginning and the end. Jesus, the faithful witness, has made us a royal nation of priests who serve. The focus is on service.
How difficult it was for the people of Jesus’ time to see and understand what Jesus was professing and inviting people to join. The idea of a ruler who serves was as foreign then as it is now. Jesus’ Kingdom still does not belong to this world. Instead, we are called to move from worldly ways and values into God’s way.
Because we live in this world as much as Daniel or Pilate or John, we have a limited understanding of what exactly God’s reign looks like. However, our entrance is through Jesus. Whoever is committed to knowing the truth hears Jesus and follows His ways of love and service to others. This Feast forces us to re-evaluate our notions of power and authority. How do you use your power and authority? How does the image of Christ the King comfort you? Or challenge you? How do you emulate Jesus’ power in your treatment of others? No matter how cool, talented, educated or rich you think you are, how you treat people tells everything about you. Always remember, integrity is everything.