Anyone wishing to participate in singing during Mass may join the group in the music cove at the back of the church. The more voices the merrier. See a muscian for more details or to volunteer.
Interest in participating in ladies nights periodically, spiritual growth and development, and help out in the parish in other ways. Contact the parish office.
Children who have completed the sacraments of Baptism, Reconcilliation, and 1st Holy Communion may be trained to assist on the altar during Masses. Contact the pastor for training schedule.
1st Friday of Month following 8am Mass (Approximately 8:30-9:30 am)
Sacrament is celebrated as needed. One parent must be a practicing Catholic. Catechesis may be necessary. One godparent must be practicing Catholic at least 15 years old. Please contact Father for additional details and to schedule a Baptism.
All Catholic men of the parish are invited to join the Knights of Columbus round table at St. Francis Xavier Parish for prayer and planning of various works of mercy.
Advises the Pastor on financial matters of the parish. Responsible for monitoring all income and expenses, and approving the annual budgets.
The PPC is involved in most activities and programs effecting the liturgical and spiritual life of St. Francis Xavier Parish.
Reader who proclaims the Scriptures at Mass and other services. Please see priest if interested.
Rite of Christian Initiation – preparation of adult candidates for Catholic sacraments. If interested, please contact the parish office.
Volunteers who assist people to their seat, if necessary. They also take up the collection.
Duties include preparing the altar for Mass and cleaning the altar following Mass.
Catechist help teach the youth of the parish about the priciples and traditions of the Catholic faith. Classes meet Sundays after 9am Mass during regular school year. To volunteer contact the parish office.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion who serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick and homebound. Training from the Diocese available.
Rosary is said every Sunday prior to the 9:00 am Mass.
A group that counts the funds collected at Mass each week. Each group volunteers about once a month.
Responsible for the preparation and care of the altar linens. This includes the washing and ironing of purificators, corporals, and altar linens.
Wednesdays of Lent. 6pm Community Soup Supper and 7pm Stations of the Cross. (excluding Ash Wednesday and the Wednesday before Holy Thursday)
Parishioners help provide dishes for dinners following funerals held in the parish. To be added to the volunteer list contact the parish office.