Touching is one of our basic human senses. We touch others and others touch us in many different ways. Touching is a beautiful means of communication. By our touch we can communicate comfort and support. We can communicate love and affection. In these and many other ways, God is reaching out to us with his love and healing.
In today’s Gospel, the word “touch” or its equivalent is used at least six times. Jairus says, “ My little daughter is desperately sick. Do come and lay your hands on her.” The woman suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years believed that by touching Jesus’ cloak, she would be made well again. When the woman touched Jesus’ cloak, she was healed, but Jesus experienced power going out of him. It was through touch that the life of Jesus was communicated to the woman and healed her. Jessu also took the dead child by the hand, that is, he touched her, and she was restored to life. The Gospel is about events that touch all of our lives at one time or another, events that frighten us all: illness for which there is no cure and death. Jesus came to tell us “do not be afraid, just have faith.” Jairus is encouraged to have faith, and the woman is praised for her faith.
Today God continues to communicate himself to us through the humanity of Jesus. When Jesus touches us and we touch Jesus, we are healed of our sin and ailments and are made one with the Father through him. This happens especially in the sacraments of reconciliation, anointed of the sick and the Eucharist. Quietly, describe an experience of a life-giving touch which strengthened you and gave you a sense of unity and belonging. What emotions were involved?
A kindergarten kid was asked, what makes her grandmother special? Her shy-smile widened, and she sat up a little straighter: “She helps me with my homework when I need it and she also plays with me.” Pope Francis said, “ God created us to be a source of hope for others - a true and attainable hope.” Jesus is our special brother and friend. He touches and heals us through the sacraments.